TOP: Shelia Miller, North Texas Chapter member speaks to the chapter 1983.
BOTTOM: Randy Moore, North Texas Chapter President presents the National Fellow Award to Shelia Miller 1983.
The NCMA North Texas chapter and the local Small Business administration hosted a small business fair in 1983
The NCMA North Texas chapter and the local Small Business administration hosted a small business fair in 1983
The NCMA North Texas chapter and the local Small Business administration hosted a small business fair in 1983 L-to-R: Gene Marshall, NTX Chapter President; John Kreideweiss, NCMA National President; Jan Menker, Director, Government Acquisition Policy; Randy Moore, NTX Chapter President; Thanking Jan for conducting the NES 1983
Inauguration of NCMA North Texas Board 1983
L-to-R: Randy Moore, Shelia Miller, Matt Anderson, Gene Marshall, Mary Rodriguez, Martha Mayville
Lt. Col. Mary Mayer speaks to the NCMA NTX Chatper 1983
NCMA National President, Sandy O’Conoor, presents the check from the Small Business Fair to Chapter Officers 1983: L-to-R Glen Shaffer; Randy Moore; Sandy O’Connor; Gene Marshall Mary Rodriguez; Carmen Pearce