“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
There is a place for YOU on the NCMA NTX Board!
If you have questions about volunteering with the NCMA NTX chapter, simply email us at info@ncmadallas.org or call 757-903-8331! We'll even meet you for coffee to answer your questions!
Below is the online self-nomination form and a brief description of the roles and responsibilities of the various elected Board of Directors and appointed Chapter Chair positions.
Below you will find a self-nomination form. It only takes 2 minutes to fill out. You will find below the self-nomination form a list of open offices, both Board of Director elected offices and Committee Chairs. Please look at the full list and self-nominate for the role that you are most interested in.
The only criteria for self-nominating for one of these roles are:
You want to serve on the NCMA North Texas Board or be a Committee Chair,
Be a member in good standing with NCMA national. Click here to join NCMA.
Be affiliated with the NCMA NORTH TEXAS Chapter. If you are affiliated with another chapter, click here to email Chapter Relations to move your affiliation to our chapter, and
Faithfully discharge your responsibility on the board for the year.
The positions below are available for self-nomination and are elected offices by the general membership. The election will be around Mid July. As such, these offices are voting members of the NCMA North Texas Board of Directors. All committee chairs report to one of the elected board members.
Elected Office - Chapter President.
The Chapter President is elected by the members of the Chapter in accordance with the National By-laws and Chapter By-laws and is accountable to the National Board of Directors for the operation and activities of the chapter. The Chapter President is the chief executive officer of the Chapter and chairs all Chapter Executive Assembly and Chapter general membership meetings.
Elected Office - Chapter President-Elect.
The Chapter President-Elect is elected by the members of the Chapter in accordance with the National By laws and Chapter By laws, and is responsible and accountable to the Chapter President for his/her Association activities. The Chapter President-Elect follows the President in the line of Chapter authority. In the absence or incapacity of the Chapter President, the Chapter President-Elect shall assume the authority, duties, and responsibilities of the President and shall have such other authority as may be delegated by the Chapter President.
Elected Office - Chapter Vice President of Programs.
The Vice President Programs is elected by the members of the Chapter in accordance with the National Bylaws and Chapter Bylaws and is accountable to the Chapter for the chapter program. The Vice President Programs will plan and present balanced and informative programs each month designed to assist Chapter members in their professional development.
Elected Office - Chapter Vice President Secretary.
The Chapter Vice President Secretary is elected by the members of the Chapter in accordance with the National Bylaws and Chapter Bylaws and is responsible and accountable to the Chapter President, and the Chapter Board of Directors. The Chapter Vice President Secretary follows the Chapter Vice President Operations in the line of chapter authority. The Chapter Vice President Secretary is empowered and authorized to effectively manage and maintain accurate records of the Chapter. In the absence or incapacity of the Chapter President, President-Elect and Vice President Programs, the Chapter Vice President Secretary shall automatically assume the authority, duties, and responsibilities of the Chapter President.
Elected Office - Chapter Vice President of Membership.
The Vice President Membership is elected by members of the Chapter in accordance with the National By Laws and Chapter By Laws and is responsible to recruit prospective members for membership in the Association, to insure the retention of current members, and to help the chapter achieve steady and healthy growth.
Elected Office - Chapter Vice President(s) of Finance.
The Chapter Vice President Finance is elected by the members of the Chapter in accordance with the National Bylaws and Chapter Bylaws and is responsible and accountable to the Chapter President, and the Chapter Leadership Team, where applicable, for chapter financial activities.
The positions below are available for self-nomination and are nominated committee chairs. Once the new board is elected, at their first board meeting, they will nominate and vote to approve all the self-nominations for the various chairs. If you self-nominate for a committee chair, you will be notified of your role officially after the first board meeting of the new board. These committee chairs do not have board voting rights, but do act in an advisory capacity to the board.
Audit Committee Chair
Oversees the financial audits and selects the auditor. This Chair dual reports to the VP Finance and the President.
Chapter Operations Committee Chair
Analyzes, addresses and proposes changes relating to issues impacting the viability and effectiveness of chapter operations. This Chair reports to the VP Membership.
Civil Government Committee Chair
Analyzes, addresses and proposes solutions related to issues and concerns of city and county government and how NCMA North Texas can be of assistance to them. This Chair reports to VP Programs
College Outreach Committee Chair
Analyzes, addresses and proposes solutions to reaching into the academic community in North Texas (i.e., local colleges and universities) to establish stronger partnerships and support the development and growth of contract and supply chain management. This Chair also comes up with strategies and tactics to get college students and professors more engaged with the NCMA North Texas Chapter. This Chair reports to the VP Membership.
Committee on Professional Standards and Ethics Chair
Develops, maintains and communicates standards of the profession. This Chair reports to the President-Elect.
Community Development & Public Relations Committee Chair
Addresses the “outward” face of the Chapter to the larger contracts / subcontracts community. Provides for means of getting the word out about NCMA to improve membership, looks for opportunities to be of service to the professional community, and address Public Relations, in the form of Press Releases, to better communicate Chapter activities and opportunities. This Chair reports to the President-Elect.
Executive Advisor Committee Chair
The Executive Advisory Chair works directly with the board to establish an Executive Advisory Council. This council will be made up of local executives in who will provide oversight, guidance, and support to the NCMA North Texas Chapter. This position reports to the Chapter President.
Financial Development Committee Chair
This role works with the VP-Finance and works to increase the chapter's financial endowment thru fund raising, solicitations, program development, and other activities that help to increase the chapters funding streams. With increased funds we can lower the cost of participation, provide lower cost training, provide scholarships, and other activities consistent with the mission of the Chapter.
Financial - Front End Committee Chair
Addresses the front-end financial and cash-flow needs of the chapter by focusing on the ability of the Chapter to improve its incoming cash flow and financing. This may include soliciting corporate sponsorships, selling items from the Chapter, changing the nature of dues or payments by members, etc. This position is solely focused on improving the long-term financial viability of the Chapter by improving its cashflow into the Chapter. This Chair reports to the VP of Finance.
Finance - Back End Committee Chair
Oversees the back-end financial policies and operations of the Chapter. It oversees the assets and investments, drafts investment policy statements for Board approval, and advises the Board on policies. This Chair reports to the VP of Finance.
Governance Committee Chair
Oversees the Association’s governance structures and practices, policies, performance and practices. This Chair reports to the VP Secretary.
Mentoring / Internship Committee Chair
Analyzes, addresses and proposes enhancements to the NCMA North Texas Chapter's Mentoring and Internship Programs. Works to grow these programs and increase participation. This chair works with VP-Membership to enhance and grow the Mentoring and Internship programs of the chapter.
Nominations and Elections Committee Chair
Identifies candidates for officer, director, and committee positions, oversees the full election process (from start to finish), and recommends committee assignments. This committee will make recommendations based on the interests, capabilities and past performance of the individuals, and the needs of the Committee Chairs and the association. This Chair reports to the VP Membership.
Other Interests Committee Chair
This role is open for any other interests or passions you might have that you want to bring to support NCMA North Texas. The list of committee chairs is broader than those listed. If you have a passion or interest that can support the mission of NCMA North Texas, then please contact us and let's meet for coffee and explore it further. We will find a place for you on the board or as a committee chair!
Publicity Committee Chair
This chair is responsible for all publicity issued by the chapter, after approval of the board, to increase public awareness of our organization and its mission. This role includes engagement with the press, works with the Webmaster on content and design, supports Social Media engagement, and works to increase organizational visibility. This Chair reports to the VP Programs.
Photographer / Videographer Committee Chair
This position supports the Webmaster by providing photos and video content for the chapter website and communications. Do you have a camera? Do you like to shoot pictures? This is an easy position to be in, doesn't take much time, and allows you to see the inner workings of the chapter. This Chair reports to VP Programs.
Strategic Planning Committee Chair
Oversees the association’s strategic management processes. This Chair dual reports to the VP Programs and the President.
Webmaster, Social Media, & Communications Committee Chair
Analyzes and makes realtime updates to the chapter electronic tools, which include: social media, website (i.e., website (www.ncmadallas.org), Twitter, Email (MailChimp), Facebook, Google Voice, Linked-In, SurveyMonkey, Square, etc). Maintains, and keeps current, all communications to our members thru all channels. This role also continually surveys the IT landscape for new trends in social media and looks for opportunities to exploit new media to add value in communications to our members. This Chair also ensures photographs, video, audio, etc are captured and used to improve communications and marketing of the Chapter. This Chair reports to the President and President-Elect.
We need you to be successful this, next, and every, year!
Please contact us info@ncmadallas.org , or call 757-903-8331, if you want any more information related to any of the above positions!