NCMA chapters across the country are winding down their programs for this year.  Summertime is here and as they say, "...the livin' is easy...". Board members are busy with fun summer events: picnics, camping, relaxing, and preparing for the upcoming program year starting in September. Old board members are transitioning off. New board members are being put into place. All boards have already starting preparing for the upcoming program year. To give you an idea of the types of topics covered by NCMA chapters, listed below are a sampling of what chapters across the country have presented this year (so far):

NCMA South Bay (Los Angeles, CA):

  • June: “Acquisition Innovation” by Lieutenant General John F. Thompson, USAF, Commander,

  • May: “How to Do Price Cost Analysis on Contractors' Proposal & Justification" by Dr. Thomas P. Mahoney, Professor of Contract Management

  • April: "DCMA Leadership Perspectives" by VADM David H. Lewis, USN, Director, DCMA,

  • March: “The 21st Century Contracts & SCM Manager" by MR. KARL C. BIRD, MBA, JD, CPCM, Acquisition Division Manager, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; MR. KURT M. KUTYLA, MBA, XLS, Vice President, Contracts, Raytheon Company, Space and Airborne Systems - SAS; and MS. MARIE SMITH, MS, Contracts Director, Civil and Commercial New Business, Aerospace Corporation,

  • January: “Agile Contract Operations for the 21st Century" by LTG (Ret) Larry D. James, Deputy Director, Chief Operating Officer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NCMA North Texas (Dallas, TX):

  • June: “Government Acquisition: A DCMA Perspective” by Col. Lamont Hall, DCMA Central Command,

  • May: “NCMA Unplugged” by Raj Daniels

  • April: “The FAR As Your Friend” by Mr. Ron Blocker,

  • March: NCMA North Texas Networking HotSpot,

  • February: “Buy American Act+” by Mr. Hal Perloff with Husch Blackwell,

  • January: “Twenty-First Century Contracts Manager” by Mr. David Wilkins

NCMA Tysons Corner (McLean, VA)

  • June: “Hot Topic Informational And Educational Seminar” by Alan Chvotkin

  • March: “Women In Leadership Seminar” by Deb Alderson and Major General Linda Singh

  • February: “CPA Talk about DCAA, DCMA, CAS, and More” by David S. Black and Mike LaCorte

  • January: “The Importance of Communication in Today's World of Government Contracting” by Donna Pearring

The above chapters and meeting topics are presented to give you an idea of the breadth and depth of topics covered at NCMA Chapter meetings across the country.  New boards are right now strategizing and working to prepare for the new program year which will start about September. 

So get involved! Reach out to the board and volunteer for a committee chair or special assignment.  Offer assistance to the degree you can. At least plan to attend a few of the monthly meetings starting in the fall. 

You will be amazed and surprised by the benefits you will receive by participating in the life of your local NCMA chapter. If you are not sure of where your local chapter is, click here for more information. Each of the above chapters, and the 73 other chapters around the country, have worked to come up with great material and topics that can help enrich your professional life.  These local chapters offer training, leadership, learning, and networking opportunities. All you have to do is invest a few hours of your month and participate! As we say at NCMA North Texas, participating with your local chapter will “Accelerate Your Career!”.  

See YOU at the next NCMA chapter meeting!