We've Come A Long Way So FAR!
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Shannon Bailey, Karl Weis, Harald Mallwitz, Chuck Maggio, Brandon Harris, Ruby Wilson, Daniel Forbes, & Paul Harris
NCMA North Texas has wrapped up the first half of this program year, and what a year it was! Let’s take a minute and look over our shoulders at what we accomplished this year…
In September, we hosted a kick-off networking event at the Times 10 Cellars in the Lakewood area Dallas. This was a well-attended event and received positive feedback from the members that they enjoyed these kinds of relaxed, networking events and nice venues across the city. At this event members got to know each other a bit better and hear about the exciting year we have planned. We also passed out a couple of door prizes. Friends, colleagues, free stuff, and wine…it does not get much better than that!
Dr. Leanne Young
In October, we hosted Dr. Leanne Young, from the UTD Brain Health Center, who taught us about the current findings and research on brain health. We learned some techniques to keep focused on the tasks we are working on, the dangers of too much stress on the brain, and better coping mechanisms when we have too much going on at the same time. I can relate to that. As president of the chapter, it is an ongoing series of issues to contend with: which program will we present next, where will it be, how many will come, etc., etc., etc.
Mr. Bill Abston
In November, we hosted Mr. Bill Abston, with Mustang Technologies, who spoke on nuances of the Truthful Cost and Pricing Act (also known by its more sinister name, the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA)). Bill came to us with deep experience dealing with all kinds of TINA related issues from his long career in aerospace / defense. I believe all who were in attendance received benefit from his experience. We continued our practice of giving awesome door prizes including NCMA NTX branded mugs and an NCMA FAR Clause reference book (something everyone should have who is in the field!).
In December, we hosted our second “HotSpot” Holiday networking event at the Messina Hoff Winery in Grapevine, TX. We co-hosted this event with NCMA Ft. Worth. It was a wonderful time and a great chance for contracts and subcontracts managers across north Texas to mix, mingle and kick in the holidays. We participated in the Toys-for-Tots campaign and collected over 30+ toys valued at $400! Some kids across north Texas will be happy Christmas day by getting some new toys from NCMA! We also had our sponsor, John Loving, of KLCC consulting speak as well.
NCMA North Texas exists to help contracts and supply chain mangers in north Texas “Accelerate Their Careers”. It is our mission, our passion, to provide you, are members, with training, mentoring, internships, and networking opportunities that help YOU grow and advance YOUR careers, in whatever capacity YOU think best!
So, stay tuned, watch your emails, check our website, and follow our tweets, and messages on Facebook. The second half of this program year is going to be even better!