The following Roles and Responsibilities apply to the position of VP - Programs within NCMA North Texas


The VP-Programs is responsibile for the following tasks each year:

  • At the beginning of the new program year, meet with the incoming VP-Programs to ensure a clean hand off of roles, responsibilities, and actions
  • At the end of the program year, assist the chapter President in the preparation of the Annual Report to national with submission by 7/31
  • During the summer (Jun-Aug) work with the Board of Directors to identify a speaker slate for each monthly meeting for the coming program year
  • Work with the Internet / Web Chair to get the online registration system set up for each month during the summer
  • Ensure meeting venue(s) have / has been identified and meeting dates calendared with meeting venue. Work with VP-Finance to ensure payment / credit card on file. Work with Internet / Web Chair to ensure website (and other IT tools) are updated with meeting logistics and speaker topics
  • Ensure all networking HotSpots are planned with information on logistics provided to Internet / Web chair well in advance of event
  • Review and present to the board the meeting venue annual contract and, after approved by the board, execute the venue contract, with any changes or amendments.
  • Act as head of planning for any unusual activities (i.e., National Education Seminar, stand alone seminars, combined meetings with other organizations, or volunteer activities)
  • Develop a volunteer campaign for the new year. Volunteers to assist in the execution of the monthly meetings and HotSpots.
  • In the summer, prior to the start of the program year, in coordination with Chapter President and VP-Finance, order all recognition plaques (speaker, board and sponsor)
  • Ensure NCMA Chapter Relations are kept up-to-date on all meetings scheduled and ensure they are reflected in the national master calendar

The VP-Programs is responsible for the following tasks each month during the program year:

  • 30 days prior to the each dinner meeting, draft up content about speaker and topic and provide to Internet / Web Chair, to send out as email campaigns, 
  • 30 days to 3 days before the event, monitor the RSVP's being collected in the registration system(s), provide Promocodes as required, answer online or phone call questions about the event
  • 20 days prior, and then 5 days prior, to the monthly dinner meeting, call the speaker and ensure their continued availability. Have a back-up plan (prerecorded webinar or alternate speaker) in the event the speaker backs out
  • 15 days before the event, ensure delivery of insurance certificate to the meeting venue and confirm with the venue the room, date, and time of the meeting
  • 3 days prior to the monthly dinner meeting provide the meeting venue with final headcount with cc: to VP-Finance and VP-Membership
  • 3 days prior to the monthly dinner meeting, email the speaker with the logistics of the meeting venue (date, time, location, and support equipment).
  • 3 days prior to event  monitor weather and determine if, due to inclement weather, event needs to be cancelled. Coordinate with board of directors
  • 2 days prior to monthly dinner meeting request a copy of any presentation(s)
  • Night of the dinner meeting bring: chapter banner, projector, computer, clicker, speaker recognition plaque, speaker bio, and sign-in sheet (cc VP-Finance). Give speaker bio to Chapter President and sign-in sheet to VP-Finance.
  • Night of the dinner meeting act as the liaison for the speaker(s). Ensure they know where to sit, that the presentation is ready, that they have food in advance, that you answer any questions. Sit with the speaker
  • Night of the dinner meeting give the Chapter President the speaker recognition plaque and speaker bio
  • Night of the meeting act a liaison to venue to ensure room is ready, food service is ready, room is set up, and ensure smooth execution of event
  • After dinner meeting, send "Thank You" email to the event speaker(s) thanking him/her/them for their time and effort