The following Roles and Responsibilities apply to the position of Chapter VP-MEMBERSHIP within NCMA North Texas
The Chapter VP-Membership is responsible for the following tasks throughout the year:
- June: Support final dinner meeting, or HotSpot, of the year by greeting members at the door and ensuring check-in. Support transition board meeting (between outgoing and incoming boards). At the beginning of the new program year, meet with the incoming VP-Membership to ensure a clean hand off of roles, responsibilities, actions, chapter documents, boxes of files, access to online resources, etc.
- July: Support outgoing Chapter President as they complete year-end reports (note YE reports due by 7/31). Coordinate with IT Chair to compare MailChimp lists with most current membership roster. If time and resources are available, attend World Congress and Leadership Master Class (if time and resources are available). Support outgoing Chapter President in completing Chapter Excellence Award. Attend summer planning board meeting.
- August: Support planing for upcoming chapter events through the first half of the program year. Work with new board to identify and reach out to potential dinner speakers. Begin to plan program year. Review member survey in SurveyMonkey to improve member experience. Note, applications for chapter grants are due by 8/31.
- September: Support kick-off program year. Greet and check-in members for initial dinner meeting or networking HotSpot. Support IT Chair on any website updates and support email campaigns via MailChimp via IT Committee Chair. Develop member oriented content for feed to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media via IT Chair. Support VP-Programs in hosting a National Education Seminar (NES) (coordinate with National on this) or two free webinars if desired (coordinate with National on this. Deadline to planning an NES, the early bird deadline is October 31.). Support board meeting reporting on member initiatives (i.e., mentoring program, internship program, college outreach, etc.)
- October: Support dinner meeting, or HotSpot, by greeting members and checking them in at the door. Work member initiatives during the month (i.e., mentoring, internships, college outreach, member recognition, etc). Support and report on member actions at follow-on board meeting. Monthly review NCMA member roster for new members and ensure they are added to MailChimp via IT Chair. If time and resources are available, plan to attend SubCon.
- November: Support dinner meeting, or HotSpot, by greeting members and checking them in at the door. Work member initiatives during the month (i.e., mentoring, internships, college outreach, member recognition, etc). Support and report on member actions at follow-on board meeting. Monthly review NCMA member roster for new members and ensure they are added to MailChimp via IT Chair. I
Deadline to Note: Nominations for Fellows and Outstanding Fellows Award are due to by December 1. - December: Support dinner meeting, or HotSpot, by greeting members and checking them in at the door. Work member initiatives during the month (i.e., mentoring, internships, college outreach, member recognition, etc). Support and report on member actions at follow-on board meeting. Monthly review NCMA member roster for new members and ensure they are added to MailChimp via IT Chair. I
Deadline to Note: Nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award are due to by December 15. - January: Support dinner meeting, or HotSpot, by greeting members and checking them in at the door. Work member initiatives during the month (i.e., mentoring, internships, college outreach, member recognition, etc). Support and report on member actions at follow-on board meeting. Monthly review NCMA member roster for new members and ensure they are added to MailChimp via IT Chair. Deadlines to Note: Nominations for the W. Gregor Macfarland Excellence in Contract Management Research and Writing Award are due by January 15. Nominations for The Certification Support Award are due by January 31.
- February: Support dinner meeting, or HotSpot, by greeting members and checking them in at the door. Work member initiatives during the month (i.e., mentoring, internships, college outreach, member recognition, etc). Support and report on member actions at follow-on board meeting. Monthly review NCMA member roster for new members and ensure they are added to MailChimp via IT Chair. IDeadlines to Note: Nominations for The Best Contract Management Magazine Article Award are due by February 15. Nominations for the Innovation in Contracting Award are due to by March 1.
- March: Support dinner meeting, or HotSpot, by greeting members and checking them in at the door. Work member initiatives during the month (i.e., mentoring, internships, college outreach, member recognition, etc). Support and report on member actions at follow-on board meeting. Monthly review NCMA member roster for new members and ensure they are added to MailChimp via IT Chair. Support chapter President and board recruitment drive starts.
Deadlines to Note: Nominations for the NCMA Education Award are due to by March 15. Nominations for the Contract Management Education Award are due by April 1. - April: Support dinner meeting, or HotSpot, by greeting members and checking them in at the door. Work member initiatives during the month (i.e., mentoring, internships, college outreach, member recognition, etc). Support and report on member actions at follow-on board meeting. Monthly review NCMA member roster for new members and ensure they are added to MailChimp via IT Chair. Deadlines to Note: Nominations for the Elmer B. Staats Contracting Professional Excellence Award are due (deadline will be announced in January). Send election results to Chapter Relations by May 15.
- May: Support dinner meeting, or HotSpot, by greeting members and checking them in at the door. Work member initiatives during the month (i.e., mentoring, internships, college outreach, member recognition, etc). Support and report on member actions at follow-on board meeting. Monthly review NCMA member roster for new members and ensure they are added to MailChimp via IT Chair.
The Chapter VP-Membership is responsible for the following tasks each month during the program year:
- Greet members and check them in at each dinner meeting
- Plan to recognize any members in attendance that reach milestones (i.e., certification, years of membership, etc.)
- Execute board approved initiatives to add value to members (i.e., Mentoring Program, Internship Program, College Outreach, Civil Government Outreach, NES, etc.) in coordination with VP- Programs, VP-Finance, chapter President, and IT Chair.
- Provide IT Chair with content for monthly newsletters, social media feeds, and up-to-date email rosters of new members
- Send thank you notes to speakers after events