The following Roles and Responsibilities apply to the position of Chapter VP-Finance within NCMA North Texas.
Note: This role can be for 2 persons: 1) VP-Finance-Front End Operations and 2) VP-Finance, Back-End Operations.
The Chapter VP-Finance (as 1 or 2 persons) is responsible for coordinating the following tasks throughout the year:
- June: Ensure final dinner meeting, or HotSpot, is paid for. Ensure final financial reports are completed for the year and final board meeting. Prepare to support outgoing chapter President on year-end reports. Meet with incoming VP-Finance, and any other officers, at the bank to transfer signature authority and to get a bank chapter debit card.
- July: Provide information to chapter President to complete year-end reports. Meet and hand-off financial reports and online tool login information to incoming VP-Finance. If time and resources are available, attend World Congress and Leadership Master Class (if time and resources are available). Complete Chapter Excellence Award. Hold summer planning board meeting.
- August: Support VP-Programs as they identify and plan chapter events through the first half of the program year. Work with new board to identify and reach out to potential dinner speakers. Begin to plan program year. Ensure and are set up for the coming year. Ensure any PROMOCODES are set up in
- September: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support kick-off of program year. Ensure initial dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting.
- October: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support meeting. Ensure dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting. If time and resources are available, plan to attend SubCon.
- November: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support meeting. Ensure dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting. Deadline to Note: Nominations for Fellows and Outstanding Fellows Award are due to by December 1.
- December: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support meeting. Ensure dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting. Deadline to Note: Nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award are due to by December 15.
- January: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support meeting. Ensure dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting. Deadlines to Note: Nominations for the W. Gregor Macfarland Excellence in Contract Management Research and Writing Award are due by January 15. Nominations for The Certification Support Award are due by January 31.
- February: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support meeting. Ensure dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting. Deadlines to Note: Nominations for The Best Contract Management Magazine Article Award are due by February 15. Nominations for the Innovation in Contracting Award are due to by March 1.
- March: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support meeting. Ensure dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting. If time and resources are available plan to attend: Training event in Dulles, VA Deadlines to Note: Nominations for the NCMA Education Award are due to by March 15. Nominations for the Contract Management Education Award are due by April 1.
- April: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support meeting. Ensure dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting. Deadlines to Note: Nominations for the Elmer B. Staats Contracting Professional Excellence Award are due (deadline will be announced in January). Send election results to Chapter Relations by May 15.
- May: Receive any payments from members. Validate payments via tool. Ensure any PROMOCODES are issued as needed to members and board, as approved by the board. Ensure all venue payments are complete to support meeting. Ensure dinner meeting or networking HotSpot is paid for. Reimburse any associated costs. Prepare financial reports for board meeting. Prepare for transition to newly elected VP-Finance.
The Chapter VP Finance is responsible for the following tasks each month during the program year:
- Prepare financial reports for each board meeting and present financials at board meeting,
- In coordination with the IT Chair, ensure events are set up in online registration tools (i.e., or,
- In coordination with IT Chair, ensure any PROMOCODES are set up and dispensed as needed,
- Validate all online payments in the tool prior to each meeting,
- Send a report to the VP-Membership and VP-Programs with a sign-in sheet from the or tools,
- Receive any payments from walk-ins the evening of the dinner meeting, networking HotSpot, or other event,
- Deposit any payments into the bank within 3 days of any event,
- Issue reimbursement checks, as needed, with sufficient documentation and board approval