NCMA Fort Worth will present “Subcontract Management from A to Z” at their 2017 NES conference on Tuesday, May 9th, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Country Inn and Suites located at 2200 Mercado Dr., Fort Worth, Texas 76106.
Subcontract Management from A to Z is a one-day National Education Seminar (NES) that presents subcontract management in the U.S. federal government environment. Subcontract management under a government prime contract is a hybrid between the company’s commercial subcontracting requirements and the federal government’s subcontracting requirements.
Mr. Gregg Rupkalvis, CPCM, CCCM will lead the training this year. Admission includes course training materials, full lunch and periodic snacks. Seven (7) Continuing Education Credits will also be awarded.
Early Registration (before April 7th) $225 - Member or $275 - Non-member
Registration April 8th - April 26th $255 - Member or $305 - Non-member