We will be hosting Sgt. David Rodriguez and Officer Steve Roddy, both of whom work in support of the City of McKinney Police Department's Special Weapons AndTactics (SWAT) Team as negotiators. We have the opportunityto hear from them regarding the situations, tactics, and strategies they use when negotiating in crisis situations. We firmly believe some of the keen insights they will provide can be used as you work your day-to-day negotiations in business. You will not want to miss this NCMA North Texas meeting!
In honor of Sgt. Rodriguez and Officer Roddy's time and efforts, the NCMA North Texas Chapter will be taking up donations to give to the McKinney Police Associations General Fund. A donationof any amount, as you arrive, will be appreciated!
RSVP early to info@ncmadallas.org as space is limited!
Raytheon Contracts and Supply Chain employees, remember, the first 8 RSVP's are sponsored by your Company!
If you would like to attend the February 21st meeting, please RSVP to info@ncmadalls.org no later than February 17, 2017. The cost is $27 cash/ check, $29 credit/debit, payable at the door. See you then!